Vintage Romance

Sunday 4 November 2012


The 'special someone' still hasn't called. But I'll keep you posted.

So, my sister is studying phsycology in Holland and a lot of people have asked me
"Oswin, why don't you miss your sister? You never ever talk about her! Do you even miss her at all?"

Well, you see, it's kind of hard to miss someone when your goddamned cousin and mother talk about her all day. To be honest, I was kind of happy when she left. I don't want to sound selfish and all. Well, too late I already do sound selfish. Anyway, it's hard because your parents Skype with her everyday and the only thing they talk at the dinner table is how independent she's being and how she's acing all her tests. Um, ever think about me?

"Wow, she scored 4/5 for her test! That's like, 90%!" No, dumbass, that's 80%. Stop bragging about your other daughter that's practically half way around the world when your other daughter is sitting right next to you. Plus, there's only 5 questions. And you're getting physched that she managed to answer 4 questions correctly?

Sure, I get that you're worried about her and that you just want her to be safe but I exist too. It'd be nice if you paid attention to me sometime. It'd also be nice if you can talk about something other than her and maybe spend some time with me.

How many years until I get to move out again?

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