Vintage Romance

Thursday 3 January 2013

I'll Pay You To Kill Me

The first day of school is always exciting, exhilarating and scary. You don't know where to go, you don't know what to do, you don't want to look alone and you just want to find your friends. I prayed to God so hard last night that this day would be decent and bearable. I guess God didn't hear me.

I have to wake up at 5.45 a.m. and to make matters worst, I only slept for 3 hours. I don't know what I ate to make me feel so hyper but yeah. I got ready with the hugest smile on my face, awaiting the day I thought would be great. Haha, oh was I wrong.

First of all, I got into my van and I thought I'd be reaching school fucking early because the driver picked me up at 6.20 a.m.. That wasn't the case.  The driver picked up some other students and I made friends with like, one of them. She was really nice and she helped me get to my class. The other kids just pissed me off. We arrived at school at 8.30 a.m. which is absolutely ridiculous considering the early hour I had to FUCKING WAKE UP.

Anyway, I got to my class and the I met Hannah and I was so happy because we haven't seen each other in a month. We sat together and we just told jokes and we laughed and suddenly this ratchet ass teacher was like, "Why are you laughing? Is there anything funny? You know how it feels to be laughing as I'm turning my back?" Gurl, are you implying that we were talking about you? Seriously? She's my class teacher and I felt like stabbing her.

My assistant class teacher was kind of okay and they gave me this form to get my parents' signature but I left it under my desk and I am so going to die tomorrow. And I saw Rory! He got a haircut. A very very cute haircut if I may say so myself. Since he knows I like him, he's kind of avoiding me and just not holding eye contact or any sort of communication which sucks and my mom told me that I may be going to another school as soon as possible and I felt kind of sad. One, because I won't get to see Hannah; well, we can actually hang out. The reason we didn't hang out during the holidays was because I was away in The Land of British. And also, Rory. I really like Rory and I doubt I'd bump into him. But if it'll help with the van situation then, whatever. I got so car sick I almost threw up. It's not even funny.

I wanted to mention the fact that I won't be able to see Seamus anymore because we've really become close over the past 3 months. We're basically best friends. We talk to each other more than we ever do with our own friends! But I guess you could say our friendship is drifting off. We haven't talked to each other in a few days and today at school, that bitch was basically avoiding me. Fine.

And there's this 19 year old guy that likes me which I find kind of weird considering that I'm 15 and it's just weird. His name's Dhani. He knew me before he graduated and now he's helping out at the office answering calls and all. He is actually very sweet. Well, on the internet. I saw him today and he didn't so much as take a glance at me. Maybe because I told Seamus I only liked him as a friend and he reported it to Dhani and I guess he just kind of gave up. But it can't be true because Dhani has been chatting with me even since then and he's been so nice and so very sweet. I'm so confused. I didn't want to lead him on, give him hope and just take it away. That's enough to make anyone depressed. But it is kind of nice to get some attention from him. He's actually a decent guy. Cheesy, but sweet.

So, fuck high school, fuck the teachers there and I just hope I can get into that school my mom's talking about by mid of January. I cannot stand this place.

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