Vintage Romance

Tuesday 1 January 2013

I Just Like Making Souffles

Christmas was.. okay, I guess. I went to The Land of British to visit my relatives and spent 2 weeks there which meant I spent Christmas there and let's just say that getting to watch the new Doctor Who episode was the best Christmas present of all.

Let's just talk about Jenna-Louise Coleman here for a second. She is so pretty and funny and a great actress that I cannot even fathom my love for her and especially her character. I guess it would take a lot of Whovians some time to adjust to Jenna and her character since they've been with Karen for a long time but just, I feel like I'm in love with Clara, y'know? Anyway, the ending to The Snowmen was perfect except for the part where Clara died and The Doctor was sad but then he got happy because he was gonna find another Clara Oswin Oswald in another time and she would be his companion and everything would be perfect. Plus, the kiss was just so cute ugh. But I hate that Moffat made Clara die I mean, I know it's kind of necessary to the plot but DAMN IT MOFFAT.

Anyway, Rory and I haven't talked in weeks and let's just say the thing between Oliver and I are over. We're done. Like, so done. And the thing is that, Seamus and I were never really friends for a long time. We've been friends for about 2 months and we're already so close. We're basically best friends. Yeah. We are.

School starts in a few days and I need a new school bag because my old one is just unacceptable okay I just need a new one and I feel like I don't have time to get it because SCHOOL STARTS IN 2 FUCKING DAYS. And I'm gonna be in high school which is really big. I don't know where to go or what to do and since I'm usually the first in my group of friends to arrive at school, I'm gonna be all alone. Which sucks. I have a feeling 2013 is gonna be bad. But if it does get bad, I'll just watch more of Doctor Who and Sherlock because Jenna is perfect and so is Benedict Cumbercatch.

I hope you guys had a better Christmas than I did and I hope you guys love Jenna and Clara as much as I do.

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